Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Love Ones

Well, since I've just posted the pictures of my love ones up, I thought, perhaps I can do a little description about each of them. :P

  • Xuanie Chin - My baby sis. Love her lots. She is the always there with me. A teacher who is gentle and love kids lots. Oh and, she is extremely gorgeous!
  • Vicky - The youngest among my love ones. Pure at heart, she is very bubbly and happy; friendly and kind too! Always there for me.
  • Clare - My old time friend. Someone who is very hardworking. Know what she wants and head towards it! Motivates me to work harder! And man, she is good at playing too! Way to go! Oh, she is very hip and cool too! She is the one who taught me all about street style and lomography!
  • - Mr good guy. LOL. He is friendly and understanding. Works hard and is very respectful of people around him. He LOVES GOD. :)
  • My Parents - No doubt, my hardworking, full-of-business-sense parents! They taught me alot about life, work and everything else I need to know. They are the best parents ever! My dad loves the outdoor and adventures. He is good at cooking too!
  • Mom - She takes care of us. The loving mom. She is our finance controller at home and definitely a good partner to my dad. Oh, she is a candy crush addict. :P
  • Greg - A good friend who is always there to listen to all my trouble and frustration. He provides good advice and is someone who treasure relationship! He love his family lots. His baby girl is soooooo cute! And oh, he is my insurance agent! Someone whom I can truly trust and rely on. 
  • Kat - My bestie! My partner of crime! She is always there for me. We've know each other for 14 years! We grew up together. Done crazy things together. I'm so fortunate to have her as my bestie! She does have a HUGE appetite but she doesn't get FAT! OMG! 
  • Kelvin Peh - My colleague whom i talk with. Happy go lucky guy with mild or no bad temper. Someone whom you can trust and rely on too. :) Buddy! When you wanna go drink?
  • Johnson - Someone I knew during one of my trip. Good with Photography and is totally suave! He is another happy go lucky guy and for sure. He travels to far more places than me! 
  • JT - My Jap teacher! :D She help me with my revision while we were studying together. She is sooo damn smart! Very good with languages! Oh btw, she knows korean too. :P
  • Channie - My closest colleague, we joined at about the same time, been through the same struggle together and well love hanging out with her. She is another bubbly happy go lucky girl! And man, she is very good with games and definitely her dramas. hahaha.
  • Karen - The spicy one. She is the daring one among us. She even went to NZ for working holiday for 9 months! And there you go, Sky Diving! That's her! Living and loving her life! She cares for her family alot too. Definitely a good friend to have. Smarty pants!
  • Yukiko - Knew her during my trip to Japan. Very friendly and has friends all over the world! Someone whom i share thoughts with. She is like me, exploring life itself and how to make ourselves feel happier. But of course, she achieved alot more than me. Someone I look up to when it comes to this. Thanks for sharing your journey with me. :) Can't wait to meet up with you again!

There you go, here are some of my love ones. :P Those that I missed, i'm sorry, i'll add you in the next round! Love you all!

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