Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Someone once told me. "When you start to feel bored with your work and you do things in a autopilot way, then it's time to change job."

So, I guess it comes to this point in life when I need a change of job. I've been here for close to 6 years, during which, I grew with the company in terms of knowledge, experience as well as position. I learnt about colors which wasn't taught in schools beside learning how to spell and identifying them. 

Something so scientific and specialist, there should be alot to learn isn't it. And my boss has even laid out my career prospect for me. What i can do, how i can help him to build this business up. I do love to be the important beam of the company. But i guess, my interest in this topic maxed out. I'm someone who is always in quest of more knowledge. I love to learn. But i believe that I've learn as much as I should/need to for my position and it's time to start learning something else. 

So, my boss learnt about my situation and he is now offering me a more into operation of the whole business role. Handling projects in trimming the company to make it more lean, such as tidying up the production and inventory by introducing some management methods such as kanban and improve his marketing.

All while still helping him to manage and expand his servicing department. I love challenges and that's why I am pushing job offers away unless one that really is too good for me to accept. I have colleagues knowing that I'm looking for jobs and are trying their best to ask me to stay. And this is also one of the factor that makes me think twice before taking up any random job offer. Yet, at times, I feel so demotivated to stay on. 

My heart told me, I can just stay and work here. My colleagues loves me, my boss appreciate me. But my head told me otherwise. I need freshness. I need new challenges to engage my mind.

Well, all is not lost. I tell myself, my current situation is not bad at all. I continue to work on those few projects while I look for jobs slowly. Jobs that is worthy enough for me to switch and not just hop into any wagon that came along. I get to choose them now. I used to think that it's not about the money, but as me and my bestie has a business plan going on, money is also important to me. I need to make better decision base on that. 

But when the time comes when i finally snap, i might just settle with something of equivalent pay as to what I am getting now. Because, nothing is more important than being happy. And i rather go to work happy then to drag my feet to work while getting a higher pay. 

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