Tuesday, April 8, 2014

MIG inspired by BF

Being human being, we all have pride, and because of that, we find it hard to ask for help or advice. We don't want others to think lightly of us. And because of that we tend to pretend to know things that we didn't know. 

So, how about getting a partner/group to discuss about the problems each other faced during a period of time and get strategy and inspiration from it? Because who knows, you might just need that simple answer that you just can't seems to think of until someone brings it up.

Benjamin Franklin, along with twelve friends, formed a club for mutual improvement that met weekly for forty years. Why can't we do so?

Perhaps, meeting up once every 4 weeks at a cafe, twenty minutes of catch-up conversation, followed by 1 hour each to talk about own concerns with 10 minutes break in between? 

Who is for this idea?

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