Regardless of whether you are married, attached or single. Your mood affects love ones around you. So by lightening up and make yourself feel happier, you make other people happy directly and indirectly.
Happy people are more forgiving, helpful, and charitable, have better self-control, and are more tolerant of frustration than unhappy people.
Unhappy people on the other hand are more often withdrawn, defensive, antagonistic, and self-absorbed.
Your love ones want you to be happy. The happier you are, the more they try to make you happy. But if you are unhappy, your love ones goes into a funk. At times, they might seems to even withdraw from you when you are in a terrible mood. That's because they feel hurt to see you being upset. It is definitely not a lack of interest or affection for you.
Try to try to change your mood at times of explosion because, by being angry or mad, you are destroying the current peace in the house. Remind yourself to lighten up and be happy because it is contagious. Remember, do what is best for yourself and your love ones.
"One is not always happy when one is good; but one is always good when one is happy." - Oscar Wilde
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