Thursday, March 27, 2014

Walk for thoughts

Everytime i left my desk and walk to the washroom, my brain seems soooo alive and lotsa thoughts filled my mind. And when i get back, mysteriously, i can't recall some or my brain seems to stop being creative. I wonder why...?

So.. As Gretchen explained, studies show, that the repetitive activity of walking triggers the body's relaxation response and so helps to reduce stress; at the same time, even a quick 10 mins walk provides an immediate energy boost and improves mood.

So.. the next time I walk to the washroom, i'll do it slow and make it 10 mins for the energy boost and perhaps i'll returned a happy girl! :P But well, i really should start doing voice recording my thoughts down during my walk. 

And maybe discussion/brain storming session should not be done over coffee/table. Rather, a walk in the park might be more efficient. :D

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