Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Not midlife crisis, but midlife Malaise

At any point in them, we feel dissatisfied about our lives, like something is missing, but also not forgetting how lucky we are. So, when we are feeling discontentment and disbelief about our current life... Are we going through midlife crisis? Nah. It's midlife malaise.

I do feel that my life now seems, mundane, something is missing that makes me happy. How good it will be if I have enough money to start my own business immediately. How good it will be if I can travel round the world without worrying about income and work. Then to make myself feel better, I started telling myself how lucky I am to be born with sufficient money, I have a happy family, I get to travel once in a while, that I'm healthy and happy, that I have lovely people surrounding me etc.

I have all the good things around me, yet I'm not appreciating them. So how can I make myself appreciate them and treasure them before it's too late?

We start by identifying what makes us happy. After spending some time thinking about it, i think the most important thing, Relationships (be it family, friends, lover etc) and my own Mindset and Energy. These are the most important things. Following by Livestyle, Work, Income etc.

Let's start changing things slowly, set achievable targets and improve. And 1 very important thing i need to do before i can be happier... that is to really do what i thought of doing. Don't wanna be the shy and quiet me. I wanna be more sociable, open up, more confident, able to talk to anyone. I need to be Me!

"All men seek happiness. This is without exception. Whatever different means they employ, they all tend to this end." - Blaise Pacal 

"Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." - Aristotle

"We must exercise ourselves in the things which bring happiness, since, if that be present, we have everything and, if that be absent, all our actions are directed toward attaining it."  - Epicurus

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