If something is
forbidden, do you want it less or more?
I guess, it would be less for me. I'm someone who sticks to the law.
Is there an area of your
life where you feel out of control? Especially in control?
Perhaps, is food intake and health. I can be lazy when doing things for myself. :/ I need to improve my health!! In control will be my behavior and attitude.
If you unexpectedly had
a completely free afternoon, what would you do with that time?
I will spend some of the time with my parents, spend some time alone reading, relaxing, listening to music or perhaps even watching movies. To totally relax.
Are you comfortable or
uncomfortable in a disorderly environment?
I believe, I can be both, either comfortable or uncomfortable. It depends on the degree of the disorder and what am I trying to achieve out of it. For example, trip without planning in details. I like to put things in order, I'll be fine on both situation.
Are you motivated by
Human nature, yes. I am very competitive. But I choose the war to fight. I don't fight all wars.
Do you find it easier to
do things for other people than to do things for yourself?
Hands up!
How much TV do you watch
in a week (and yes, this includes computer time spent
watching videos, movies, YouTube)?
Every evening on weekdays, I spend time watching TV as a bonding activity with my parents.
Weekend Sunday will be a movie day as I spend time watching shows I like and bonding with sis.
So i would guess it's approximately 9 hours.
Are you a morning person
or a night person?
Definitely a morning person! I love morning sun!!!
What’s more satisfying
to you: saving time or saving money?.
It varies from things to things. But I would say, saving time is more important to me than saving money.
Do you like to be in the
I always think that I don't, but I feel that I do. So I would go with YES. I do.
Is your life “on hold”
in any aspect? Until you finish your thesis, get married, lose weight, move to
a new city?
Very much yes.
For example :
- Continue my work here until I have a better job offer or my hostel is ready.
- Travel round the world when I have enough money
- Feel more sexy and confident once I lost weight.
What would you do if you
had more energy?
I would do more exercises everyday.
If you suddenly had an
extra room in your house, what would you do with it?
I would either get sis to move into it or move into it myself.
If at the end of the
year, you’d accomplished one thing, what’s the one accomplishment that would
make the biggest difference to your happiness?
Start the hostel. Really can't wait.